We are so glad you are here!

Hello and welcome to our little corner of the internet! I’m Cassandra, and I am beyond thrilled to share a glimpse into our world—a world filled with love, faith, and the beautiful chaos that comes with a big blended family.

Meet the Clan: I am happily married to my beloved Nathaniel, and together, we’ve created a bustling blended family of 10 amazing kids. Our household is a lively mix of one boy and nine girls, ranging in age from 2 to 25. Yes, you read that right—life in our home is always an adventure!

Rooted in Faith: As a Catholic Convert, I find profound joy and inspiration in my faith. Our family serves as catechists in the RCIA, bringing the beauty of Catholicism to others through our adapted family program in the parish. Our commitment to faith is not just a Sunday affair—it’s woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

Homeschooling and Challenges: Education is a vital part of our family life. Almost all of our kids are homeschooled, offering us a unique opportunity to nurture their minds and spirits. However, like many families, we face custody challenges that cast a shadow over our journey. It’s a journey filled with complexities and emotions, but one that we tackle with unwavering faith and determination.

Our Mission: In the midst of our struggles, I felt a calling—a calling from God to create a space where we can candidly share our experiences navigating the court system from a Catholic perspective. It’s not just about airing our grievances; it’s about shining a light on the path we tread and creating resources that can uplift and support other families facing similar challenges.

Thrive with God as Our Guide: Our mission is simple yet profound: to help families thrive with God at the helm. Through the ups and downs, we aim to share the lessons we’ve learned, the strength we’ve found in our faith, and the resources that can empower others on their unique journeys.

What to Expect: In this blog, expect heartfelt stories, practical advice, and a genuine exploration of what it means to live a faith-filled life in the midst of family complexities. We’ll delve into the highs and lows, celebrating victories and acknowledging the hurdles. Together, let’s build a community where support, understanding, and faith intertwine.

Thank you for joining us on this adventure. We can’t wait to connect, inspire, and grow together. Here’s to navigating life’s journey with faith, resilience, and love.

How Faith and a Plan Saved My Life: A Story of Escaping Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is a subject that can be uncomfortable to talk about, yet it affects so many women and their children every day. I want to share my story of how I was able to escape an abusive relationship and start a new life with my children. Through faith and planning, I was able to go from surviving to thriving in a blended household.

Back in 2014, I found myself in a situation where I needed to leave my abusive partner for the sake of my children’s safety. I attempted to leave cordially with the kids, but it backfired. He found out where we were and threatened us with a shotgun. It was at that point that I knew I needed a plan to escape.

I reached out to my friends, who helped me come up with a game plan of how we could leave safely. It took a month for the right opportunity to present itself, but eventually, he got his hands on a shotgun, and in the meantime, I set the plan in motion. I grabbed the box of bullets, shells, and kept them in my hands, so he couldn’t use them. When he attempted to load the shotgun, it malfunctioned, and I used the opportunity to escape with my children.

I knew that if I were to stay, something terrible would happen to me, and I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to my children. I had to act fast, and with the help of my friends and a detective, I was able to file a restraining order and a police report.

It wasn’t easy, and the court process was lengthy, but through faith and prayer, I was able to make it through. I wasn’t Catholic yet, but I knew how to pray and ask for help. I prayed for guidance, and my faith helped me stay strong during those difficult times.

The road to recovery wasn’t smooth, but with the help of resources like homelessness assistance, I was able to get back on my feet. I found a new place to live, and I did everything I could to keep the routine as close to normal for my children as possible.

It wasn’t just me who needed to heal. My children also had to cope with the aftermath of the abuse. However, I was committed to their well-being, and we found a way to move forward together. Even though my ex-partner is no longer a part of our lives, my children still have to deal with the effects of his abusive behavior. It’s a difficult situation, but I know that with faith and a plan, we can make it through anything.

In conclusion, escaping domestic abuse is not easy, but it is possible. If you or someone you know is in an abusive situation, there are resources available to help. Have a plan, reach out for help, and have faith. Remember, you are not alone, and there is hope for a better life.

Navigating the Court System: A Personal Journey

Going to court can be a daunting experience, especially if you have never been before. The unknowns, the potential outcomes, and the judges all add to the stress of the situation. As someone who has been through the court system multiple times, I can attest to the range of judges and their approaches to cases. In this blog post, I will share my personal experience with the court system and provide some tips on how to prepare for court.

My journey through the court system began when I escaped from an abusive relationship. After my escape, my abuser was arrested, and I had to go back to the police department. I thought that would be the end of it, but it was just the beginning of a long and hard road through the court system. I encountered a range of judges, from kind and understanding to ones who did not seem to care. It was a mixed experience, but I learned a lot along the way.

One of the things that helped me through the court process was my spirituality. When I first went to court, I was not Catholic, and my now-husband took me. He had been through the court system before and was able to give me some advice. He told me that we have to give our will to God because we do not know what God’s will is. He also said that this was a time for us to grow our spiritual muscles. I took this advice to heart, and it helped me prepare for court.

I now spiritually prepare for court every time I have to go. I know that I have a heavenly army around me, ready to fight the battle with me, no matter what the outcome is. I also know that I have to be ready to go with whatever comes at me. This preparation brings me peace and helps me to be at peace and not spiral out of control in my mind.

Another thing that helped me was learning about life coaching. It taught me how important it is to be at peace and not in chaos and fight mode in my mind. When you are in fight mode, you can’t think straight, and you make bad decisions. I created a 2-week spiritual prep for custody court, which I follow every time I have to go to court. It has brought me so much peace and has helped me to be prepared for whatever comes at me.

One of the hardest things about going to court is that you never know what type of judge you are going to get. I have encountered judges who were kind and understanding and ones who did not seem to care. One judge told my ex that he did not deserve to see his kids because of the bad things he had done. Another judge gave my ex more time with the kids, even though he had violated multiple restraining orders.

Through it all, I have learned that what matters most is that I bring my kids to God. That is my job as a parent. Even if I only have my kids for an hour, I am going to spend that time teaching them about God and how much they are loved. I want them to know that they are made for greatness, no matter what kind of suffering they may face as children.

In conclusion, going to court can be a difficult and stressful experience. But with the right preparation, it can be a little easier to navigate. Spiritual preparation and learning about life coaching have helped me to be at peace and prepared for whatever comes at me in court. Remember that what matters most is that you bring your kids to God and teach them about love and greatness.